Super Bowl LVII -The arduous advance to Arizona

Is @Lazarus knocking about?

I hope he beats the Cowboys tho

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@Lazarus, should we be rooting for the Vikings to put some distance between us & the NFC East competition, or the Cowboys with being #1 seed in the NFC in mind?

We are rooting for The Vikings here bro.
For all those reasons you mentioned


Minnesota getting rode here

Burrow Burrowing

The Vikings punter is a fucking unit

There seems to be more block downs this season

Bengals getting rode in Pittsburg

Pickens is the GOAT

Cousins is what I thought he was

If Broncos somehow manage to lose this I cant see Wilson being a Bronco next year.

The man has the most insync circadian rhythm on the planet… 1pm and he’s superman… Any later and his body lets him down.

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He is there for the next three seasons at least. It will cost them 100 million in dead money to move him in the off season

What a disgrace

Catch ffs

NFL more bent than the Quatar world cup

Adams is something else, carried Rodgers for years.

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The fucking state of the Vikings, that’s what happens when fellas are encouraged to make idiotic team videos on the flight home and thinking they are bigger than they are after a few fluke wins, Cousins is a bum always was and always will be.

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Zekes fantasy stock is plummeting at the same clip as FTX. Same haircut too.

Kirk :rofl: