Super Valu Beef - Limousine Bulls

[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]A great story

That independent story had 4 pictures with it in the online version. The bull certainly went walkabout through the store.
The last pic showed him leaving and was labelled (I’m paraphrasing here) “the bull leaves having having purchased nothing”:smiley:

To be honest though I’d have preferred if he had made shit out of the butchers counter in some crazed manner[/QUOTE]

Id be 99% sure thats a bullack,the white face denotes that its a cross which would make it a “scrub” bull,theyre very seldom used anywhere these days even in the West,if you had one you wanted to sell you’d be fattening it and bringing it to the factory,nobody would buy it at a mart.Wouldnt you think RTE might have thier facts straight,a quick chat with Joe Kelly would have informed the news team sufficiently,then again calling it a “BULL” suits them better as its more clearcut for the inhabitants of our major Cities and Towns.In short,twas a bullock.

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Jaysus Link-
That’s impressive analysis-
He was fairly small looking though- way too much fattening to take place for him to go to a factory
Could he been some sort an angus x?

I kicked the shit out of a bull once. Tore the eyeballs out of the coont.

Some fella who tore ya was it?

:confused: I don’t speak mongoloid.

Ya speak man love though id say da dirty big yanker.

I tell ya, the nonsense spouted by some on here is unreal. Keep it at a somewhat serious level please.

It’s hard to know what’s worse the coffin Dodgers shuffling around the supermarket one pace per minute or the cunts letting their offspring push their trollies meandering hither and yon through the aisles.

On top of all that I had a fucking rescan.

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So you hate old people, young people and middle aged people. And authority. Fair play Fagan, great anger for a Saturday.