
<img height=“215” src=“http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb4rfqkfeL1qik1lzo1_250.jpg” width=“205” alt="tumblr_mb4rfqkfeL1qik1lzo1_250.jpg]

[QUOTE=“Gman, post: 521810, member: 112”]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_IjAotuegZ6o/SeSrCQsLrkI/AAAAAAAAAFY/loNKaKRlcRk/s800/tags1.jpg

some tags here! :lol: :lol: :lol: :clap:[/QUOTE]
You’d miss the aul tags all the same.


pat fitz likes cardigans :smiley:


not me

A nanny fanny tfk weldone

NCC takes Cock.

@ChocolateMice wears a burka.

:grin: you can talk Har


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@Nembo_Kid has inspired me, I’m going to add an emoji to all my posts going forward.

you cant be giving yourself taes or info.

I can and I will. This is happening.

You know you dont have the personality to carry it off, only one person has the undeniable stubbornness to award themselves one of these.

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I am a force of nature. My will is iron. I will do this.

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