Tank's Tremendous Tik-Toks


That lad @dubslife1 has a tremendous one of a lad having the entire side of a Toyota Avensis claned off by a tractor and he on his own side of the road. Front wing, both doors and back panel fleeced off in a jiffy……

It’s in the motorways driving thread - apologies.

Which forumite is that?

I reckon its @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy . There was a few Christmas parties cancelled in the yacht club. He was relying on the tips to get over the festive season. Let his anger out there

Awful stuff Tomàs.

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Come back Tommy……

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cc @Copper_pipe

He made a boo boo

@Tank ffs

Good God man, can’t believe my eyes.

Who made you boo hoo?

I’m only slagging bud, post was already deleted by the time I got to it.

PM whatever turned the others blue.

Fake news

Jayzus. I had no idea that that sort of thing was going on with the younger folk today. Presume thats the way it goesnon tinder and thenlikes these days?

It’s in the member’s only lounge.

Have yet to hit those lofty heights

Holy Shit, is that real? is it over?

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Calm down, deep fake

Na that’s real.