Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I don’t play, watch, support knackerball. Sorry.

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It’s Peter Sutherland’s way or the highway HBV, your flogging a dead horse.

Divide and conquer.

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Is there anything you’re not against?

Prostitution :grin:


Air strikes won’t do shit, anymore than Clinton bombing a pharma factory in Sudan. Boots on the ground and kill the fuckers one by one the only answer, but Europeans don’t have the balls for that kind of campaign. No political support to do it from US either, so Putin is the only hope. Shows the short thinking of demilitarizing Germany after the war. The Germans would sort this out good and proper. It’s depressing, Europe is essentially defenseless

Hard to blame them for that.

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True but the alternative is this becomes commonplace and nowhere is safe from these bastards. Doubt they would take the higher plains of the burren though.

The German’s are laughing at all this pal, they need cheap labour to replenish their ageing population, their economy is steadily growing and they are single handidly controlling the European Union without even firing a warning shot.

Is there anything to be said for good old fashioned genocide?

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We’re living through the safest time in the history of the world, pal.


A Murdoch source doesn’t count pal, especially since the Sun they got rid of the tits.

The German economy is shrinking again and this attack will destroy what’s left of the French economy. Colossal mistake by Merkel and she will probably be ousted because if it. EU is dead, expect political and economic borders in short order. This is huge ISIS have demonstrated nobody in Europe is safe.

Because we haven’t had a major war in your lifetime. Expect that to change in lickity spit time if this escalates.

Keep calm* and keep watching Sky News, mate.

*Panic, actually.

It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.

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I’d love if you were right that the EU as a union was dead and Merkel will be ousted due to this atrocity.

But I’m 100% certain your wrong on both points mate.

Not really. The Nazis were the last with this type of focus. These ISIS fucks are drawing in every disaffected Muslim youth not just in the middle east but in Europe. That’s how fascist organizations grow. The opposition is very weak, all talk and no substance. There isn’t a pair of balls between all the European leaders.

Time will tell

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Just to remind you, Islamists blew up 200 people in Madrid in 2004 and 56 people in London in 2005.

This is not a new thing.