Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

@ProjectX has expanded his literary repertoire to include The Sun now :smiley:

One of the worst things any politician can be accused of is being racist.

There is a huge migrant crisis in Syria. Absolutely terrible. Those ISIL nut jobs are tormenting everyone out there. However the fear has always been that some of these twisted cunts would attempt to sneak in under the guise of legitimate, terrified, fearful, impoverished refugees. Unfortunately that has now come to pass.

What should happen is that the Irish government should say we are not taking any of these 4,000 refugees at the moment due to the uncertainty over safety concerns. However with an election around the corner the screaming Mary, repeal the 8th, France Facebook profile, yes for equality PC brigade would scream ā€œRACISM!ā€ and thatā€™s a complete no no for any politician who wants to keep their nose in the tax payer funded trough.

We are taking in 4,000 people and donā€™t have a clue who or what they are. Iā€™m sure 99% of them are just grateful to be alive and have endured horror I canā€™t even begin to comprehend - but all it takes for one of these to make it in and concoct an attack here or in the UK where we all have family and friends working.

I know Iā€™ll be denounced as racist or intolerant but itā€™s mind boggling that there is such a lax immigration policy in Europe that has already been exploited only last month and will no doubt continue to be exploited.

Not all Muslims are terrorists in the same way not all Catholics are in The 'Ra but the lack of leadership on imposing stricter measures on who can come here is astounding. As ever rather than being proactive weā€™ll be reactive by which stage itā€™ll be too late and thereā€™ll be another atrocity here or on our doorstep in the UK.



James McClean mate, heā€™s a friend of the forum.


Your obsession with me is just creepy.

I donā€™t necessarily agree with everything youā€™re saying Dodgy, but I wouldnā€™t denounce you as racist or intolerant. I think yours is a perfectly natural reaction to this.
I just read an interesting article about the reaction:

which raised some interesting points, aprticularly about how ISIS sees the refugees.

The thing now is probably not to react. The reaction, if itā€™s going to work, is going to have to be one that develops over time, so that the western world doesnā€™t make even more of a fuck up of things. This is an horrendous situation. I havenā€™t a clue at the moment what the answer is. Anyone who does is talking bollocks.

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Youā€™re creepy, why donā€™t you just fuck off you creep?

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If everyone keeps dropping bombs itā€™ll sort itself out.


Obsession :joy:

Iā€™ve quoted you about 4 times in the history of this forum you fucking gibbering half-wit.

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Lets not forget all who are shocked and dismayed by this situation, the mad fundamentalists in the usa, our protectors, armed, trained these cunts to try and take down other mad cunts over there to try and exert their domination of the area which was planned as early as the 30s

Thatā€™s kind of what got us into this in the first place mate.

ā€œfucking gibbering half-witā€ - thatā€™s very good Matty, I might use that.

Europeans are far less likely to die by gun violence than Americans. Iā€™m just as safe I was last night. Youā€™re hysterical.

Iā€™d say there are only a small handful of constituencies in this country where being anti immigration would lose you votes. Far more where you would gain votes Iā€™d say.

That post is mental dodgy mate. You should have gone to the Gaelic grounds today. Calm down. Go to Thurles next week and get yourself back on an even keel.

Creepy voyeur @Matty_Hislop

Iā€™m well aware of it. Individual spectaculars are relatively easy to pull off, look at Canary Row. This was a coordinated attack on 7 targets, carried out with precision. New ball game, similar to the IRA at their peak in the mid seventies that brought the British to the negotiating table more than once. This is a war make no mistake.

This is no where near the ra in the 70s. A niggling annoyance compared to the shit they e created now

The only one obsessed is you. Heā€™s simply taken a few opportunities to destroy you.

Ever think of a rebrand mate? Or alternatively just fuck off and leave us alone?

Ah, the Muslim terrorist apologist is still posting here.

Jog on you absolute fool.