Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Just ignore him, pal.

Iā€™ll be posting here long after youā€™ve been ran off this board.


good for you little guy.


Boots on the ground required in certain areas of Brussels and Paris.

Everyone on the terrorist watchlist in those countries needs to be rounded up and locked up until their innocence can be proven.

ISIS have certainly managed to get you around to their way of thinking, fool. Apart for a few failed experiments by the Brits in the 70ā€™s, which didnā€™t go very well, we donā€™t do that in western democracies.

The sad reality is that neither the UK nor American establishment seem to be really all that interested in ridding the world of fundamentalists. It was one thing arming back in the 80s, when they were ferocious holy warriors fighting the godless communists, and their true nature was perhaps less understand. But there isnā€™t much excuse for doing it as recently as a few years ago.

The sickening things is how gung-ho everyone was about escalating the conflicts in North Africa or Syria, and when those wars created streams of refugees the same armchair warriors didnā€™t want to know about them. It will be the same after this. More knee-jerk military action. More ā€˜unforeseenā€™ consequences that will cause even greater disasters.

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This is a war pal.

You are probably concerned about the human rights of the terrorists?

That may have been true, however it appears that Putinā€™s proactive approach to dealing with the terrorists in Syria has embarrassed the US and UK into taking action.

Following the events of this weekend, we should expect to see a more co-ordinated approach by the Russians and Americans.

No, Iā€™m concerned about fucking mong morons like you throwing around the kind of brain dead bollocks that results in terrorists getting their kicks. I should also be concerned about why the fuck I am bothering wasting time with a slobbering gimp idiot like you. So Iā€™ll do myself a favour and put you on ignore, you fucking gibbering half-wit.

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They are not human


Super, try and catch up with some of your Muslim terrorist apologist pals.

Explain to us why we need to understand these events from the perspective of the terrorists.

i respect your right to hold these beliefs.

A for fuckā€™s sake, precision my hole. The three lads that were supposed to make the biggest splash and cause the most damage, at the Stade de France, none of them made it inside the stadium. They were caught before they got in and blew themselves up. The other targetsā€¦ two restaurants, well any dopey suicidal cunt could walk up to a restaurant and open fire. Thereā€™s not much involved besides a gun and intent. The club likewise, how hard is it to get into a rock concert at a middlinā€™ size club? Fuck sakes, any three of us on TFK could make a suicide pact and could decide to go shoot up a restaurant, a club and bowling alley, all at the same time, in three different cities, in three different countries, and who would stop us?

People are over exaggerating the amount ā€œlogisticalā€ and ā€œtacticalā€ nous these lads have. They arenā€™t a patch on the 'RA, who didnā€™t need to rely on suicidal maniacs, which makes things exponentially harder.

What is scary is their complete disregard for their own lives.


One of seven attacks failed, if you can call reduced deaths a failure. No question if they penetrated the stadium it would have been worse, but that was always likely the one to go wrong. The point is they took out 130 people 11 months after the last major attack, again with feeble defense from the so called security forces. It is scary that European intelligence/security/policing seem totally incapable of dealing with this threat. Not their respective faults, the blame is with a bloated political system.

If you actually looked at US gun death data, the reality is its confined largely to a certain demographic. The point with ISIS is that they demonstrated they can hit anywhere with little resistance. The two are unrelated.

Well said pal. And back to that cunt, Sutherlandā€¦

There are plenty examples of Christian societies slaughtering each other (WW1/2) and Muslim societies doing the same (Iraq/Iran). Ignore all the jawboning bullshit from politicians who canā€™t fulfil their basic functions. Europe is a failed political entity.

Youā€™re right on so many levels pal. One thing though - considering the CIAā€™s involvement in in secret campaigns against many countries around the globe (as covered by journalists like John Pilger), itā€™s not a massive leap of faith to think that something similar is happening here. When I hear people saying ā€œthe yanks need to go in and carpet-bomb Syriaā€ it just makes my heart sink. Mankind can be an ugly bastard when it puts its mind to it.



So the terrorists are ā€œscaryā€ because they can kill rich people as well as poor people?

Your posts on this thread are funny, you actually sound like a loon. Of course your reaction is exactly the desired response.

France doesnā€™t practice multi-culturalism.