Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread


The other footballers were Danny Simpson and Tom Ince.

Did you make all this up?

pm mate

Pretty sure I know who.

I believe this to be correct. Shame on nembo for bringing this up though.

That takes me back, holy shit.

There are witness accounts of Turkish engineers helping ISIS manage their oil flow. The Turks would be better of keeping stum about this one.

Cyprus? :eek:

Thanks ISIS: We “Can’t Keep Up With Surging Weapons Demand”, Pentagon Says

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Nothing to see here. Move on and enjoy thanksgiving

Proxy wars kid and now the turks are armed and a force again and a friend of the west. They also have territory interests. Game on

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That map and article are way old Joe, all changed since then.

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yea agree

@Nembo_Kid Are they ginger haired?

The Turks are a horrible shower of bastards, always were and always will be.

I hope to fuck they never get into the EU, proves a point as to how unreliable and untrustworthy they are when the Germans won’t even take their money off them.


I would say both are more fair haired with a tint of ginger. I have shared the names with trusted confidant @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy. PM me if you wish to know the details.

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Go on then mate PM me I can be trusted with this sensitive information.

Does anyone care about Paris anymore? No.


Russian liberal democrat Vlad Zhirinovsky has called on Putin to nuke Istanbul and “wash the city away”.
