Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Gone to all the virgins though happy days

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There are loads more of these dirty cunts around Ireland and they are untouchable because of all the the pathetic and reckless do gooder bastards.

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Was he suffering from depression?

R.I.P. Khalid.

There’s no Jihadi like a Paddy Jihadi


Anti democratic Left wing extremist’s

We were promised fascism if Trump was elected . So it came to pass .

Left wing extremist anti democracy protesters are turning quite nasty


I daren’t even click on the photo. I hope these daesh fuckers die slow painful and fearful deaths.

maybe put pressure on your government to stop funding and supporting them?

The arms trade to Saudi is fucking sickening.

  • Created a few weeks ago to tackle terrorists
  • 100 hours of overtime a day offered in Rosslare
  • No terrorists intercepted but a load of Eastern Europeans with stolen goods and car parts found
  • Wound down by end of year

And people wonder why the country hasn’t a fucking penny

Ah lovely
Basically the brits gave out to us cause we were doing fuck all policing at the ports, so we are going to throw loads of cops at it, send a couple of reports to the brits and as soon as they turn their backs we’ll wind it down again.

And give a few gardaĂ­ a nice Christmas fund. Everyones a winner.

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Didn’t he call his kid Osama?

It’s desperately disturbing, it’s almost like Ireland has become a safe haven for terrorists.

This guy was even a guest on the Late Late show :cry:

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