Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Literally going postal

Men responsible again

What a surprise

You could forgive them for the massacre. But there’s no redemption for their masculinity.

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At least 5 dead in Texas.

More to follow, eh?

I think that’s the problem with these mass shootings alright, and this cunt is just fine with more of the same

Single shooter apparently, in different vehicles

Seems he was pulled over for a traffic stop and started shooting

White male in his 30s

He’s now dead

Says unverified sources on Twitter

If all the above is bullshit don’t blame me - I had to fulfil my psychological urge to be first with the news on the INTERNET, whether it’s correct or not

And we might as well all buy into the craziness, 'cause it ain’t gonna stop

If anybody is still up at 4am or thereabouts when the shooter is named, please search for his Facebook page and look for any giveaways as to his motive

Let’s face it, that’s what everybody does

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And 21 injured…

Shooter is also dead.

These shootings in America don’t even cause a reaction anymore. Obviously it’s horrific but it’s also hard to feel sympathy for a country that is built on murder and has such ridiculous gun laws.

I’m so sorry @Sidney

You can still feel sympathy for innocent people killed by violent lunatics and scumbags.

I do but when they accept the world they live in…

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In what was debatably a blues brothers tribute someone has driven through a mall in suburban Chicago

Height of laziness

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These new Krispy Kreme drive throughs seem to cause all sorts of confusion wherever they open

The intoxicating lure of sugary dough makes people do very strange things

A U.S. official in London has indicated that he is “working with local authorities” and “examining the intelligence” that led to a drone strike late last week that took the lives of 30 customers at a restaurant in central London. It appears that the intended target of the strike was a gathering of IS leaders, and that the group attacked – at an Italian restaurant celebrating the 70th birthday of one of the confirmed dead – was mistaken for the cell of IS leaders. In addition to the dead were over 40 wounded, many with life-threatening injuries. A number of children were among the 70 casualties.

While the U.S. government has so far refused to confirm responsibility for the strike, a State Department spokesperson has said that, should it transpire that the U.S. is responsible for the deaths, “collateral damage, while extremely rare, is a regrettable consequence of the ongoing efforts of the US to combat international terrorism,” and that, “citizens of London should be well aware by now that there are certain areas in the city that should be avoided.” The State Department spokesperson also noted that all strikes are conducted with the “utmost care,” and that it is not unusual for civilian death tolls to be “significantly exaggerated” by authorities in the U.K.

Residents of the U.K. have been active on social media condemning the attack, noting that the international media show little or no interest in reporting on mass civilian casualties of U.S. drone strikes in predominantly Christian nations. “Basically, the media might report that some people were killed in an attack and that’s it. No follow-up. No discussion of guilt. It’s like the lives of white Christian bankers in London count for less than nothing,” said UKJames on Twitter.

Another Twitter user asked, “How can it be that the U.S. is allowed to attack who and where they want in England, killing civilians, without any consequences? These were innocent people eating dinner. Where’s the outrage?”

Many of the posts on Facebook and Twitter also pointed out the how the “War on Terror” deaths of wealthier Christians in Europe are ignored by the media, while poorer Muslims, killed in places like Afghanistan and Yemen, get disproportionate coverage and attention from major news outlets.

Not all comments on social media, however, were sympathetic to the victims in London.

“If these people don’t want to get killed, why do they even live in England? Move somewhere else. Just not here!” tweeted EagleUSA1990.

Others were quick to note that there was no evidence that those killed in the restaurant were not, in fact, members of IS, and that, “If you take your children out at night in a place like London it’s your fault of they get killed. What kind of people are these? They shouldn’t even have kids.”

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has expressed outrage over the deaths, saying that a full investigation into the attack must take place, including criminal charges of negligent homicide against those responsible – this, despite the fact that the U.S. has indicated it will not recognize any legal decision made outside of a US court. Khan noted that this is the fourth U.S. drone attack in the UK in recent months: attacks that have claimed over 1,000 innocent lives in the U.K. in the last decade. One of these included a strike in July of this year that hit a wedding on the outskirts of the city of Manchester killing 44 participants, including the bride and her entire family. As the wedding took place in an “area of interest” to the U.S. government, however, an internal investigation resulted in a finding of “no culpability” on the part of the United States.

Despite the U.S. government refusal to claim responsibility, families of the Manchester victims were nevertheless offered $500 compensation each by U.S. authorities, “in memory of the dead, and as a sign of goodwill on the part of the United States of America.”

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A workplace row

Surprise surprise, yet another white right winger kills people of ethnic minorities

@AppleCrumbled gone postal?

Who knows? The story is evolving.