Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread


In a cabinet meeting

You’re a busted flush, pal. Bland @Fran is owning you for your own dangerously high blandness levels. :laughing:

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Hollande should be packing his bags and allowing France to elect a leader who can protect the citizens.

IRA level stuff in Paris tonight. When’s the last time Paris would have seen attacks on this scale?

He should really come out ASAP, even just to make a defiant holding statement. Make a more fulsome statement later on.

Witness speaking on France 24 - http://www.france24.com/en/livefeed/

5 live has a lot of witnesses on now

Ease up on the drugs pal, you can’t even get a sentence right. Messy Harry.


Sky saying more shooting at George Pompidou and the Louvre

Possibly not since the Prussians took it?

England v France friendly in London next week called off.

There have been several reports of further shootings. Haven’t seen any of the confirmed though.

Nightmare situation for the police and military. How can you secure a city in such circumstances?

Louvre, Pompidou and Les Halles

Appears to be multiple gunmen still at large looking for more targets.

Just said it to the wife. If there was one attack they would have every available officer on the scene, now they have four and possibly up to 6 sites. Would take serious coordination. I suppose the French have to have to been preparing for something on this scale for a long time.

Some Hostages are emerging from Bataclan, alive :clap:

Unless they’ve been shot or run out of ammo, I’d say you can take that as read. I doubt they’ll have much interest in coming out of this alive.

How is anyone still on the streets?

How did they get the crowd from the stadium?