TFK Capitalist Thread

The problem persists that there is no where else to put your money. But how can the market be worth more than before covid (when it was already way over valued IMO)

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I read something I didn’t understand about the reason for the increase in Hertz share price.

What exactly does a robin hood investor mean? I would have thought it was something more charitable.

Robinhood is an online trading platform for retail investors. Mugs in other words


Because people believe the in the v recovery shite. The Fed put a dent in that yesterday suggesting interest rates will stay at zero until 2022.


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You never make a loss taking a profit.

Hilton for the win :sunglasses:

TUM called this in March and cashed out last week with a 40 per cent increase.


That’s twice you posted that mate

Did you not get the acknowledgement you wanted 1st time

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@TreatyStones must have missed it first time to make that jibe.

A classic dead cat bounce this morning, pigs getting slaughtered.

I just did a massive mug punt on my revolut account. Bought few hundred worth of 5 oil company’s that I’d never heard of. They are getting mullered at the moment… Sit and wait now and see what happens

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That wire card lack of trust account monies makes me wonder

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Yeah I wouldn’t be keeping much in revolut

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You can buy shares through revolut?

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Mostly only big American companies. A few big crypto currencies also.

Edit: Get Revolut

And gold. I bought 20 euro of gold the other day. Anyone wants investment advice can PM me

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I have it, never noticed this feature. Crypto offering is a joke.

Tesla shares passed $1,400 today.


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