TFK Capitalist Thread

I read something I didn’t understand about the reason for the increase in Hertz share price.

What exactly does a robin hood investor mean? I would have thought it was something more charitable.

Robinhood is an online trading platform for retail investors. Mugs in other words


Because people believe the in the v recovery shite. The Fed put a dent in that yesterday suggesting interest rates will stay at zero until 2022.


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You never make a loss taking a profit.

Hilton for the win :sunglasses:

TUM called this in March and cashed out last week with a 40 per cent increase.


That’s twice you posted that mate

Did you not get the acknowledgement you wanted 1st time

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@TreatyStones must have missed it first time to make that jibe.

A classic dead cat bounce this morning, pigs getting slaughtered.

I just did a massive mug punt on my revolut account. Bought few hundred worth of 5 oil company’s that I’d never heard of. They are getting mullered at the moment… Sit and wait now and see what happens

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That wire card lack of trust account monies makes me wonder

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Yeah I wouldn’t be keeping much in revolut

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You can buy shares through revolut?

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Mostly only big American companies. A few big crypto currencies also.

Edit: Get Revolut

And gold. I bought 20 euro of gold the other day. Anyone wants investment advice can PM me

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I have it, never noticed this feature. Crypto offering is a joke.

Tesla shares passed $1,400 today.


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Closed at $1,544 yesterday. Absolutely bonkers. I think it’s getting close to being included in the S&P 500 which means a load of tracker funds will have to buy it and that should support the price.


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