TFK Capitalist Thread

The evil guy from FB doesn’t sound too bad here

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The talking heads cannot accept little guys making money, it’s a simple as that.


More red ink for the Dow today. This time -633

AMC :rocket:

Koss Corp :rocket:

Is all this legal the co-operation of large groups of individuals to drive penny stocks to the moon?

Yes, and in even better news drives asshole hedge funds to bankruptcy.

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They’re going to need to legislate against it. One only has to look at the beyond bizarre global “grief” over the death of Princess Diana to observe the level of sheer hysterria that can be whipped up over nothing very much. Harness this with a few well placed bots, and the entire market can be rigged.

Can you ladybird what happened with this please

GameStop has been a favored short target for hedge funds, 140% of the float were shorted (I know, they can borrow more than 100% of the existing shares). A retail investor group on Reddit have latched on to it and other heavily shorted stocks and been aggressively buying them, driving the price up and forcing hedge funds to buy back the shares at crazy prices.

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Headline: Bitcoins days are numbered

Quote: Have we landed on what I would call the design, governance and arrangements for a lasting digital currency? No, I don’t think we’re there yet.’

Clickbatey title. Guy is right. Current transactions aren’t seamless. If and when design layer akin to revolut is in play, adoption will be more easily gained

I think we’re seeing the peak equivalent of the joe Kennedy shoeshine moment

Long way to go yet.

Platforms like that offered by revolut are just a further democratization of the markets. Investment banks no longer the gatekeepers and they won’t like that.

There was a lot of speculation that during the first lockdown when all sports were off that sports fans and gamblers moved to the stock market to get their fix. The likes of Robinhood were criticised for the “gamification” of investment. For every Yolo investor posting their winnings in Reddit there will be many more living on food stamps.



Markets taking a bit of a wobble over the last couple of days.

There’ll be butchers in Mullingar talking knowingly about “taking a haircut” and “we are where we are” presently.

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Gammon hedging

There’s still a way to go in Europe and the Capital Markets Union was supposed to open up access to the markets for the man on the street but I don’t think it’s done much.

It really should be as simple as opening an app and clicking a button to invest in the market. Things like Revolut help but the tax implications are too complicated for most.