TFK Capitalist Thread

Why must you lie? I posted a picture of that fool sleepy from that twitter account, not an opinion. Anyway, it doesn’t distract from your jibberish you’re posting here.

You retweeted an utter headbanger.

To be fair, everybody you retweet tends to be a headbanger.

Sorry, I of course forgot to mention the cryptocurrency bros, who are all in on this. And the likes of pro-Russia disinformation site Zero Hedge.

This guy seems all in on it. For some reason he keeps appearing on my Twitter timeline even though I don’t follow him.



Immutable money, infinite frontier, eternal life. #Bitcoin

Science & TechnologyThe Network Statethenetworkstate.comJoined November 2013

Not as fucked as the AT1 holders though. Even though it should be the other way around

Well, they’re breaking many different rules with this buyout, the cap structure waterfall hierarchy being just one of them

Ya. Seems in an effort to not panic the market they might actually panic the market by doing all this mad shit and not following what they had set out.

I just saw the Swiss government is giving them a €10bn cover on any losses they find as well. Fucking hell. €17bn written off, buy it for buttons and get your losses covered. Some deal.
Credit Suisse must be in some shite

Anyone with a maturing pension must be nervous with all this?

It’s a government bailout in UBS’s name.


Should be in cash for last few years.

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I rest my case for tonight. Fuckers like this genuinely want the world to burn and they want to provoke the collapse of the international financial system in order to bring it about.

Ed is predicting a recession triggered by SVB.

Are you all making out like bandits on the bank share price rise?

This pro-Russia propaganda yoke Zero Hedge seems absolutely desperate to crash the dollar and the world economy.