TFK Capitalist Thread

Most of our workforce gone, graduates leaving year on year, home tax, water tax,usc…grand parents having relationships with grand kids over Skype, jobs bridge, repossessions…

Art, we are way better off than Greece. Any suggestion otherwise is fairly laughable. I’m not saying it’s been easy or particularly fair but the notion that Greece is either better off or better positioned for recovery is complete horseshit.


He has been learning English :slight_smile:

That’s not what I’m saying; all the main players are saying that look how bad things would be if we follow the hard left but we’ve followed the right wing/centrist parties and are fucked as a result of their policies

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You ape, it was following the troika prescribed reforms in the bailout over the last three years that has decimated Greece’s economy to this point. You’ve completely contradicted yourself.

Greece are also fucked because of the right wing “centrists”, not the left.

that or not paying tax and expecting somebody else to pay for your public services

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Get off the stage, there are no proper right wing parties in Ireland.

Fianna Fáil and now the Coalition have followed the Troika’s plan. The alternative (“hard left”) was doing what Greece are doing now, brinkmanship and bluffing, all the while your hospitals are running out of medicines and the cash machines running dry.

Is this Ireland or Greece you’re talking about here?

The troika approved that Greece inplemented the reforms required in the bailout every step of the way. Those were supposed to return growth. Instead they decimated the economy.

Now, if you’re saying that the reforms prescribed by the austerity enthusiasts were a load of bollox and that then efforts should have been focused elsewhere, then yes, I completely agree.

Even the IMF disagree with the EU over this.

When you have the historically most neo-liberal institution ever advocating a softer approach you know you must be doing something wrong. That should be even more apparent if you’re German…


the boom is back here, pal

We took our medicine, put our shoulder to the wheel and now we have the fastest growing economy in the western world

Is it getting boomier?


Noonan didnt have to cross the Shannon

Kaiser Noonan has steered the ship off the rocks and we are sailing towards El Dorado

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He’s spending his time at EU meetings watching episodes of the short lived BBC soap opera on YouTube?

Your literal brain leads me to suspect you are fairly far along the autism disorder spectrum

I’m liberal and artistic to your literal and autistic, pal.

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It’s surreal alright. Some of the extremists they’re dealing with make Syriza look like a party of pragmatism.

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