TFK Email Addresses

Anybody want one? There’s a limited number I can give out to members who want one:

format is

It’s only a forwarding address so all it will do is forward mail from e.g. to whatever address you want e.g.

Still when this site is famous you’ll be one of the lucky ones with a TFK address.

If you want one let me know on this thread or by PM. It will probably be later in the week before I get a chance to set them up though.

Sure sign me up for that, the aforementioned, flano^at^, will do nicely thanks


Great idea Rocko.

Post edited by: Flano, at: 2007/07/30 00:19

Post edited by: therock67, at: 2007/07/30 09:03

Send me a PM with the email address you want it forwarded to. I’ve also edited your message so that your new address isn’t on the forum because it will get spammed if you leave it there.

Spam mail is the only email I get, It makes me feel like a big man

I would like one please.

Flano and Piper - your new email addresses are setup.

Ah good stuff. Ive sent myself an email from work, lets hope it arrives.

rocko, pm me an address forthwith please.

PM sent Bandage. Sorry for the 11 minute delay.

Surely that was 12 minutes in anyone’s language.

It took me 1 minute to do it - 11 minutes was the delay in advising you of my progress.

Have a look at your PM will ya - specifically the part about Spartak Moscow home game because tickets are on sale at the moment: 21 each.

Decided to relaunch this cracking offer. If ya want a TFK email address let me know here and PM me with what address you want mail forwarded to.

only after seeing this thread now rock…hook me up lad…

i’ll have one of those please rocko

me too please

Right lads, slight problem. I forgot to move the email addresses when I moved tfk to the new server. So I have to set them up again. Apologies.

Anyone who has a mail address can you pm me your username and the mail address you want it forwarded to.

If you don’t have one and want one then pm me too.

Note that what this does is fowards mail from to and allows you to send mail from by loggining into

bandage, I’ve set yours up. can’t remember the details for the likes of lockes, puke and anyone else who had it.

If its still goin Rock, count me in.

Can I get one to re-register on AFR? Can’t use my other one since the bastards sent me into exile.

Im sure Flano would tell you to fuck off back to Afr etc.

Sure maybe Flano should fuck off back to AFR :stuck_out_tongue: