TFK v Dwyer

Croppy is clean? He is in his fuck.

That language does not belong in a courtroom.

[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 1080327, member: 1517”]@artfoley
That language does not belong in a courtroom.[/QUOTE]

Fuck fuck fuckity fuck


[QUOTE=“carryharry, post: 1080327, member: 1517”]@artfoley
That language does not belong in a courtroom.[/QUOTE]

@carryharry clearly hasn’t spent the odd winters day in courtrooms in Leitrim. “I did in my fuck” howls the defendant…
The Beak has been known to respond with “Did you just say fuck, counsel, approach the bench”…Cue laughter.

Baliff (@Bandage ) can you remove karl malden from the courtroom (thread)

Ok skeletons.
I may, or may not, have once been intimate with a fat red haired lady. I didn’t stab her iirc.

[QUOTE=“flattythehurdler, post: 1080395, member: 1170”]Ok skeletons.
I may, or may not, have once been intimate with a fat red haired lady. I didn’t stab her iirc.[/QUOTE]
I’d say you stabbed her alright Flatty. Twasn’t with a knife though.

Irrelevant. I didn’t leave her abroad in the shrubbery.

Twas domestic shrubbery then was it?


Perhaps it would be appropriate if jurors declared any involvement with the gga before commencement of deliberations? I know o’dwyers links to kilmacud crokes have been discussed elsewhere and apparently she was fond of the sliothar so am upfront declaration by jurors of links to gga or interest in bondage or both would be useful

I’m crap at hurling.

I would, however, like to tie up Angela kerins and wear an ash plant into her.

i’d ask the jury to disregard that last comment

I’m judge dredd.

“Chained Brunette” was Ms. O’Hara’s name on a fetish lifestyle forum. It’s catchy, thinking of changing from Breaking my balls.

Matching avatar I presume (hope)

I have decided not to change my name/avatar to the very catchy ‘Chained Brunette’. I feel it would be in poor taste given my standing on this jury.