TFK Virtual Fun Run Series Event 5 (the last one): Flat Out Five Part Deux

I got out this morning but not happy with it at all. Blew up after 3.5km completely. Iā€™ll be out again on Monday evening but Iā€™ll take the clubhouse lead for the moment


Iā€™m out for this, minding a dodgy calve and hamstring so I get through the junior football championship.

I might do this next Tuesday or Wednesday. Not expecting anything great because I havenā€™t done one since the last one of these and I was disappointed with how that run went

Doing a long run in morning with Xavier. Iā€™ll hold off a few days to do the fast 5. Weā€™re 2-2 going into this arenā€™t we?

You won the hill one. Genuinely not sure on the rest

You won the hill and the 10km
I won the 5km and the 10 miler

I may find a mountain to run down to beat you in this 5km-er. Havenā€™t done a fucking tap all of August.

Done! Not near a fast time but as fast as I could go today. This is the start of the running season for me and it can only get better.


Sign in @Thomas_Brady @fenwaypark @bandage @fran @backinatracksuit @Wexford1996 @Ralphie @arthur @tank @pulpfiction @phattpike @Gavrilo-Princip @mikehunt @spidey @artfoley @alfstewart @the_man_himself etc etc

Any of ye submitting times? Who did I leave out thatā€™s not injured ?

Im up the walls with work and family. Took this weekend to get a bit of mileage in. I might try and get out Wednesday (if still allowed).

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I didnā€™t even know this was going on, I played a match yesterday so I definitely wonā€™t be doing the flat-out run tonight, just a recovery run. If you give me a few days I can do something laterz in the week

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Iā€™ve let myself go in the last 6 weeks. Iā€™d say Iā€™ve gone up 2 dress sizes.


Happy to accept times over the next 4/5 days lads. Itā€™s the last run so letā€™s all try and drop the excuses and get it done (bar those of you injured/playing real sports)

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I swam coniston yesterday 5 and a half miles give or take. Fcuking freezing.
I did it in between 2hours 30 and 2 hours 40 and finished in the top 50 of 500.
Not bad for an oul lad on little training.
No 5k for me.
Still feel unwell.

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Excuses? Real life gets in the way sometimes.

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Not aiming that at you mate! Just a final rallying call thatā€™s all. No offence meant

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No worries chief. Fair fucks. I couldnā€™t swim a few lengths of the pool without stopping :laughing:

Dont mind me, im a bit touchy at the moment.

It was miserable enough. Got a bit of a fright at the cold when I got in tbh.
Was very well organised.
Saw wan poor hoor getting loaded into a wheelchair and then ambulance.
Good few pulled out during the swim.

Hope all ok mate. If you need to vent , TFK is the spot

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That would scare the shit out of me. Iā€™d love to get good at swimming but itā€™s something Iā€™m gonna push back a few years until I know I can dedicate a block to doing it right.

I was on the beer all weekendā€¦ See what I can do by midweek kid.