TFK Virtual Fun Run Series Event 5 (the last one): Flat Out Five Part Deux

No bother to you. I havenā€™t done mine yet. Might do it in morning. 14km exploring new mountain routes yesterday morning. 700m climbing.


I just ate a pizza

Still champo training thankfully so have barely been out for a road run the last month. If weā€™re beat next weekend Iā€™ll get one in.


Keep on trucking pal . Best of luck in championship :+1:

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I didnt know this was on. Iā€™ll get something in next week.

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Blow it up ref!

Played a junior football game this evening and got thru OK so with work and shite, Iā€™ll hope to get out Wednesday morning maybe. Be good to get an aul run back in.

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Had no idea this was going either. Got a hurley across the knees at the start of August; one of them is still ā€œnot rightā€ - it has been a pretty frustrating month to be frank.

Have been back doing light runs in the last week and was due to do another tomorrow anyways so Iā€™ll post one up then :+1:

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Did a long run in the hills yesterday but might try give it a go during the week.

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hi all,

A lot of you didnā€™t seem to realise that was this week. Iā€™m proposing extending it by a week (so next Monday 14th as absolute deadline) to give people a chance. Iā€™d like to pass this by both @mac and @locke as theyā€™re the only two to have registered times so far (and would be eligible to go out again if they want)

What do ye all think?

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Now I know how the Clare hurlers felt in 1998

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Fuck it.
Mac first, Locke second, everyone else disqualified :slight_smile:

Saves me having to keep track of times


Thatā€™s good with me. Iā€™ll go again if thatā€™s okay


Go on ahead, keep it open for another week

Got out for a run this evening. Shaved a bit off my first 5k time and set a strava pb so happy enough. Had ran an easy 10k on Thursday followed by beer Friday Saturday and Sunday so I also did a warm up/avoided running straight in to wind for the first half of my route. It seems to have helped!


Excellent running mate :+1::+1:

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Finally got out this evening

No improvement on my last flat out 5k but Iā€™m losing interest in that particular event to be honest


Thanks @caulifloweredneanderthal for organising this. It kept lads busy over a difficult period and raised some funds for charity. Youā€™re a good lad.


No bother pal. I did over 23km yesterday, throwing three road sections into a ramble round the Cooleys. The series helped me get a bit of focus back into my training. Iā€™ll be increasing my distances over next 2/3 weeks. Not sure if Iā€™ll have a fast five in the tank this weekend but Iā€™ll see how things pan out.


Is this still going? Said Iā€™d chuck a time up anyways. As I said before, got injured playing jooonyer at the start of August and have had a pretty frustrating month out of action. Been slowly getting back into it the last couple of weeks, the knee is still far from right. Was fit to calve by the end of this for a finish.