TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

You needed 10k in your bank account?

You could use the express lane if you had $100k.

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So all those lads they trapped on Nairu island just needed a couple hundred bucks for the visa?

Someone should have told them.

Did your mother never tell you “If you can’t spell it, don’t use it in a sentence?”.

Never mate. The question stands… I can edit it to say Nauru if that will help you grow a pair of balls?

I have massive balls. A curse, if I’m being honest.

Evidently not. You can’t answer basic questions.

What’s the question again?

Why won’t you acknowledge Australia’s inhumane immigration policies? Or do you agree with them? Or are you too much of a coward and a hypocrite to address it?

Whichever you fancy there, take your pick, mate.

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I will forever be grateful for a country that opened her arms to me in my time of need as an economic refugee.

Is she perfect? Of course not.

Is she trying her best to improve? Absolutely.

Do i love her in spite of these imperfections? I do mate, i do.

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You didn’t actually answer any of the questions so I’ll just assume you approve of the monsterous Nauru immigration prison camp however it’s still heart warming to hear it has worked out for you there and your appreciation for your new homeland.

Thanks mate. :australia: :boomerang: :sun_with_face: :kangaroo:

I’m in favour of immigration from counties we have reciprocal agreements.

That’s separate from AS.

Glasshouses pal. Verona Murphy was elected to the Dail in your county on a racism ticket.

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She was elected on an anti sexism anti FG ticket

We all know what she is.

Never had you pegged as a sexist

Ashtown camp allegedly threatened by ‘four men’ hours before attack, migrants say

The story that Keeps growing… There’ll have been more white irish male attackers than there was people at the Munster v New Zealand match for a finish.


At the end of the day I suppose that despite all the kitty Holland attention seeking and narcissists with turquoise hair on twitter clouding the issue there’s a fair chance a few scumbags attacked those lads in tents. It fits in with the atmosphere at a lot of those marches and whatever your political opinion that’s beyond cuntish.