TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

It seems to me, just from reading here, that a lot of fellas are offended by the ‘far right’ label cc @pulpfiction because of it’s association with Naziism historically and the very worst of society in modern day Ireland, perhaps this thread and it’s title is an inappropriate forum for the discussion when you start with that baggage, the far right are certainly gaining some traction with Covid and this latest influx of migrants but I don’t think they’re a significant political force just yet as that would involve people admitting to themselves that they stand with these lads on a multitude of issues, many of which are very unsavoury. You can accept people’s frustration while condemning their motives and actions, I’m not comfortable with labelling anybody on this forum as truly ‘far right’ but I feel that we’re being too easily pushed into only two camps, obviously a lot of lads remain silent, fair play to them. I’d place myself in the middle, obviously a little closer to the wokies but with concerns about where this could go

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Im currently learning German.

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There are people outside refugees centres screaming go home and burn them.

Is being in the middle in that situation acceptable


There’s no middle area in a situation like that, I do think sone lads try to turn it into a grey area with whataboutery etc, the Kitty Holland thing being a prime example, make her possible fabrication the story rather than what actually happened, some fellas are terrified to be seen as woke on anything, rather cultivate an internet hardman image. Others are clearly wumming cc @Thomas_Brady,
If you are screaming outside a refugee centre you’re certainly far right, or else of low enough intelligence to be swayed by them.

My point is that it isn’t completely black and white, like this thread. I’m talking about future immigration policies, short term for the Ukraine conflict, I would welcome anybody genuinely fleeing, we are incredibly privileged, this forum in particular is very middle class


Good reasonable response although i take issue with myself and @Tim_Riggins being classed as middle class

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I’ll accept that, I’d say lots of lads here were born with a silver spoon in their mouths but being labelled upper middle class on an anonymous platform is almost as offensive as being labelled far right

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Middle class in the Irish or a British sense?

The Douglas sense.

There’s a fair chance the story reported was true? What? It’s pretty clear that it’s true.

What’s bizarre is the take from a good number of people that it was made up. Really odd behaviour. And maybe the lads that had that reaction aren’t “far-right”, but their initial response aligned with the kind of shite the far-right weirdos are coming out with, alternative facts. That’s the story here.

If your initial reaction to something is aligning with far-right bullshit you’d want to go away and have a proper look at yourself.

Lads don’t seem to like it when they’re pulled up on their racist views or when it’s pointed out to them that their bullshit aligns with far-right bullshit talking points.

More the Well Road than the Pinecroft version

Bit sinister the last bit of that quote?

But of it was a fabrication then surely nothing happened

Didn’t realise this parade was on today no wonder the forum is so quiet

Look like a great atmopshere

What’s the chorus?

The far right start fires
Refugees are terrified


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Rovers at the anti racism march today


Interesting twitter page,
This looks like a terrifying atmosphere, none of these lads are proud enough to go without the hoods, appropriate

The tweet doesn’t say much for how the author treats dogs either.

I’d say these mob rampages are probably a handy place to pick up some cheap steroids, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Reproduction should be seriously curbed in Dublin sink estates and council flats

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