TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

The Irish government have to shoulder a huge part of the blame for the rise of the Irish far right through their incompetence and open door immigration policy

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I’m confused now. I thought these people weren’t supposed to be far right and now you say they are?

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If you did a Venn diagram of ‘protest participants’ and ‘never been in a polling booth in their life’ there would be a big overlap

doubt it, most of them are Sinn Fein types


Probably a few Clare Daly voters there too

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Ireland has an anti-social problem more than a far right problem.

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out out out

I see some of these “protestors” were holding pictures of Mary Lou McDonald with “Traitor” written on them and “Shame Fein”.

Apparently the “true patriots” are those who have the backing of the British far right and Loyalist extremists.


Mostly women and a fair number of buggies in that video.

@carryharry will be along to tell us they are all on housing waiting lists

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Do you have any limits for people fleeing war moving to Ireland? Any war.

Is that an Inner City Brains Trust march?


is glas 2nd from the right?


Well no, I don’t.

But there’s plenty of other countries which will house refugees also, so Ireland is not likely to become dangerously full.
How could you refuse some form of hospitality to somebody fleeing war like in Ukraine, if it needs to be tents then so be it.

Jurgen leading out his troops

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Fair enough, if that’s your honest belief. I think that’s a ludicrous position, given there’s a constant supply of wars, you are essentially saying doesn’t matter if it’s one million or ten million, they can stay in Ireland.

That’s a ridiculous point though, I figured you were setting me up for something
Are we living in the real world, at what stage does it become obvious to people fleeing a war that Ireland is not able to cope, you think they’re still coming after 9.9 million?

It’s not a setup, it’s a legitimate question. You’re now saying the people fleeing will judge if a country is ‘full’ or unable to sustain more migration (which is crazy) so in fact, you do have a limit.

Your position is flimsy beyond the tiniest bit scrutiny. You don’t like that part of it so you’re referring to being set up or ‘real world’. Essentially you do have a limit and therefore what that limit is and how that limit is decided upon are the questions. It just makes you righteous to say take all in but that’s what falls apart in the ‘real world’.