The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Great oppurtunity for an “away day” on Twitter here.

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This is fantastic. :grin:

Deleted the tweets, he’s obviously a bit worried about them. Not sure why he would write that under his own name on Twitter. I know he hates Heaslip and thinks he’s fighting a one man battle to expose him but that’s just dumb.

It pains me to see two Kildare men at each others throats like this


Ha! That’s hilarious. Such a warrior of the truth who regularly scoffs at journalists who moderate their message. And he’s deleted the tweets.

Ewan is an angry class-warrior who describes himself as “far-lefty” This massively clouds any thing he says about rugby. He’s just another guy with an agenda …

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Like Sidney?

Is it safe to say Ewan gets tanked up on cheap Brazilian wine and lets loose on Twitter, then realises he’s destroying his career and takes it all back?

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I take it with a pinch of salt as the last time someone posted one of his tweets which was incredulous about Heaslip’s behaviour, it was a harmless enough video of a bunch of lads acting a bit immature for their age.

He seems determined to out Heaslip as some evil beast who is pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. The thing is though that Heaslip has gotten quite a bit of criticism from rugby journalists like Peter O’Reilly and has always been a bit of a divisive figure amongst rugby fans.

There are the sycophants of course on ect but rather than allowing that inner rage to boil over with pointless and loose attacks on Twitter, why not wait until another Conor McGregor like comedown? He did it well enough with the World Cup loss on Newstalk, and plenty of people were seething over that. He just comes across as a bit ott and it’s hardly worth putting his writing career on the line for.


What has O’Reilly had to say about him?

It was a month or so ago in the Sunday Times so would be behind a paywall. This is the quote;

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He tweeted a few minutes ago that he removed the tweets you referred to out of respect to the people involved (presumably the female journalists rather than Heaslip) andnot because the incidents didn’t happen. He’s a gas chap - he flies into everything but I can’t help but like him even when he’s going off on one about things he knows fuck all about.

Sounds kinda familiar that


Just flicked on to his profile there again. He’s now quoting others with screenshots of them, very respectful of him. Interesting to see his personal pride in taking a few snide comments for deleting them goes ahead of the the “respect” for the female colleague now again.

I presume journalists get taught about defamation in their college courses? He might say they are true but the framing of them along with throwing the word testosterone in there must be on dodgy territory.

**In the latest report, doctors from the department of trauma and orthopaedics at Tallaght Hospital in Dublin, described three cases where young players were seriously injured during rugby tackles, having reported two cases previously.

They said the types of fractures they suffered are “acetabular fractures… (which) affect the socket of the hip bone, and are generally sustained after violent trauma, such as road traffic accidents”.**

Oh my god, you can get injured doing something

Sweep sweep

Ian Madigan making friends across the divide

Ask him is that in commeration of the IRFU Battalion that fought against the volunteers?