The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Poor reflection on rugby when the majority on this island would rather play amateur sports or aspire to earn minimum wage in the LOI… When they could be stealing a living from the IRFU.

Stealing a living?

Top class bantz here from Nige…

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Great banter

'[quote=“flattythehurdler, post:6323, topic:12546”]
and then ships heavy beatings off the clubs who don’t have the sense and maturity to let nature wind it’s course, and flog their panels up hill and down dale

Flog their panel up hill and down dale’ Sensational @flattythepoet!

Did he ever go past the underwear? Was there ever anything else he tried on?

“No, I only wore knickers. It was difficult to steal too much stuff. And I could hardly go and buy it.”
It was years later, in his 40s, when George was abroad, that he decided again to indulge his secret fetish.

“I think I was in Birmingham and I [went into a shop] and tried it but it didn’t have the same effect.”

So what effect did it have on him when he was 14?
He looks me in the eye and says matter-of-factly: “Are you trying to ask me how I masturbate?”

Well, was it for comfort or was it sexual?

“It had nothing to do with comfort,” he says.

Post flagged. Fuck sake.

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i couldnt believe my eyes as i glanced* over the front page in Maxol yesterday as i purchased the Sunday Mirror and a breakfast roll
is this a new low?

*i did not buy it

No, the mail is worse than the mirror.

I’m noticing a trend here:

A potential career in “club rugby”.

The Leinster and Ireland rugby player decided on the historic building for his wedding to Sheena O Buachalla (30), with the happy couple opting to hold their black-tie reception in its imposing dining hall.

Why is it O’Buachalla and not Ni Buachalla? Are they subtly trying to tell us something?

not for the first time today I ask the question what are you reading?


They must be expecting a re explosion of the rave scene in Dublin

Looks like the same colour Del Boy used to paint his mothers gravestone with.


Own the Blue

Eh what?!

As in you better “Own the blue” cause the our new yellow one is manky

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The bar coding makes the corporate selling out more straightforward.

Who is the freak on the left with the fat neck?