The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Paul Butler?

Bullshit. Don’t care if you don’t like rugby but don’t be a hypocrite.

Hypocrite over what?

Go through the current football squad and tell me which of them does not have a drop of Irish blood in them. They all are Irish born and bred or have Irish parentage or grandparentage.

Absolutely no comparison to mercenaries like Stander or Payne.

Paul Butler ?

Grand parentage? FFS. They’re as Irish as stander.

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A quick search of Michael Bent’s name and I see your name, unsurprisingly.

Bent has “Irish blood” but the IRFU got a hell of a lot more abuse for playing him than the FAI do for capping granny rule players annually.

The only difference between Michael Bent and the 7 Oirish players in the ROI Euro 2016 squad was that Michael Bent is actually working and living in Ireland. He signed a contract to work in Ireland.

The Oirish soccer lads were born abroad, grew up there, learned to play football at British clubs and now work there. This was brought up before regarding Italia 90 and “success” in Irish sport when the rugby lads were being slagged off, but Italia 90 was largely down to the “success” of Fianna Fáil/Interparty economic policy in the 1930s to 1950s and British soccer clubs.

The project player thing is wrong but understandable. It should be changed and hopefully will, but the majority of the small number of players coming through it will ultimately make a huge contribution to Irish rugby and actually live here for a prolonged period of their lives.

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The children of emmigrants should be made welcome ,they shouldnt be punished twice by the people that stayed


Did they not get stick for playing bent because he was absolutely useless and no where near the standard. A joey lapiro job

Can you clairify, @dodgy_keeper has no issues with people of Irish descendence qualifying to play soccer for Ireland but rails against people of Irish descendence qualifying to play rugby for ireland?

And yet continues to ignore the Paul Butler incident.

Whilst wearing man utd pyjamas


Can somebody please acknowledge MBB’s Paul Butler point before he explodes from the lack of recognition? He’s clearly put plenty of thought into it and it’s just not capturing the zeitgeist of TFK for some reason.


I would have been happy with dodgy continuing to choke on it but I appreciate the sentiment ol pal. His ability to trip himself up here would have done Butler himself proud.

Deeply stained at that

You wouldn’t need the forensic light for them I’d say

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I have him on ignore, what did he ask?

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Who your father was, I heard a rumour it could have been me.

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There’s been worse players at prop for Ireland but it was more the optics of it.

He’s like that annoying cunt at school, always trying to fit in. He’ll do anything to be popular, desperate to be accepted.

MBB I mean, not Butler.

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He actually did fine on the day as well. It was a high point for him however

And why can’t we welcome immigrants?