The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Thatā€™s a website mate, whereā€™s the list?

I canā€™t believe 3 people clicked that :joy:

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was it the highlight of your day on the INTERNET?


No that was that teacher wan you posted, a cracker.

Thereā€™s a father kicking a rugby ball around with his kid in the green area in my estate.

Should I call social servcies?

Sounds like a lovely community. Perfect for raising a family when your time comes.

The kid just ran into the back of a parked SUV.

Heā€™s probably concussed.


It wasnā€™t part of the training drill?


Possibly, the father has now disappeared into the house with Brian Kennedy.

Has he put the fear of God in anyone yet?


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Heaslip had minor surgery on his back this morning. A bad back is likely connected to the issues he had pre game. Paul Kimmage mugged off.

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None of that screaming mullalys business in the first place

a rolled ankle = a bad back?

Fucking Irish Rugby, the lengths they will go to for a good cover up.

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A strained back can cause you to lose your balance and these kind of these happen bro.

His back isnā€™t the only thing being over stretched here

Joe said it was his hammer which is consistent with a lower back issue


My favorite part is the replies

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