The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

You are posting that everywhere


Rugby players love giving character evidence for each other

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“A man of honesty and integrity” who just so happens to go around assaulting people.

Best is no better than “Gaillimh.”

He assaulted him with great honesty & integrity though

I’d say thats a cunt of a phone call to get.

Some cunt today proposing that the thugby european cup tournament be moved to the hallowed turf of the Gaelic Grounds. Of course, spike and Farmer Palmer would be thrilled at this notion as their disdain for the GG is well known.

Keep the cunts over in Moyross Park, its more than good enough for them.

Was it Paul O’Connell, Rassie Erasmus or the head of the IRFU? Or some bint on Facebook

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Don’t know who it was. I thought I saw it on The Leader website but can’t find anything on it now.

I heard of OConnell but not the others and Batt doesn’t do facebook so I’m out of luck on that one. I’ll try to find it again, it was early this morning and the years are catching up with me so can’t quite remember.

Anyway, let the cunts play in Moyross Park.

It’s on in Dublin Barty no need to worry about limerick getting carried away with another big day

Aw, thanks for letting me know that Gilly. I can sleep easy tonight knowing our pitch won’t be scoured by fat lads scrimmaging during their rogby game.

We coudlnt play a match if there wasn’t even a light bulb in the jacks FFS imagine the piss splashes on my chinos?

Anyways best keep that pitch immaculate on the off chance ye get to play a few games on it. Tisnt exactly threadbare

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Best Fans in the World™

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A day late and a dollar short chief. Already on the Munster rugby thread

Anti rugby followers need to hear this news too


And ye roaring racist abuse below in Wexford park at poor Lee chin…people in glass houses

link please.

Lee told me himself mate


True enough its a fine pitch helped by the fact that there is a distinct lack of games on it. However, I would personally see it ploughed for spuds than to allow rogby cunts on it. Thats just me though. I appreciate there are plenty lads around, like yourself I’m sure, who think that any GAA field is a rogby field as well. As I said, they can stay in Moyross Park.