The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

Dead right mate keep it that way. If that field got more than 20 games a year it would be clean fucked. And sure ye have JP so no need for any more cash for Limerick GAA coffers. We have a man down here in Cork thinks v similar to you and heā€™s a mighty man altogether

Thats right, PJ invented the GAA in Limerick we are blessed to have him.

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Last roll of the dice for super rugby .

Its fucked

The Japs will save it.

How are our beloved Reds doing?

the 4th most popular team in Brizvegas are shit

We never got over the loss of Link as manager

It seems that lad who couldnā€™t do the touchdown right against Leinster had been concussed 6 days previous.
Franno said he was ā€˜not fit for purposeā€™.

Article in the Irish Times today disputing claims that Jonathan Sexton exaggerates his injuries on the field to get opponents sent off.

Jonathan is not that type of player.

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And so the phony war begins ahead of the Lions tour selection. What a time to be alive.

Something not quite right about this @Fran
Your grinning avatar with a link to a"gang rape charge" underneath.


the issue here isnā€™t Fran- its rogbee

Fuck off

Post Reported

How twee

Trust a rugby supporter to make a joke out of such a serious crime

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Sweep sweep

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