The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

That’ll be the end of Mr Poff as a rugby coach. On the Sex Offenders Register he’ll never pass Garda vetting again.


I can think of one former international who’d probably be willing to give him a character reference.


That bitter bitch fucking the cunt up like that. Bitches just cannot take a compliment these days.


Foley always loved a good clearance

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Hon Rashers :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Foley’s a legend

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Disgraceful by the State trying to stitch up an innocent GAA man like that.

Thankfully he was exonerated and cleared.

All head for Ballyagran.

Like most of his clearances I get the feeling this one is coming straight back down on top of him


It’s a 5 year old story. I’m pretty sure he’s ok.

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Pitiful stuff here from @gilgamboa dredging up an old story lines like that.


Up your game @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Poor from Dan equating a convicted rugby football sex fiend to an entirely innocent GAA man who was cleared of a much lesser charge in a court of law.

Sweep sweep sweep

This quisling will be the talk of the English Market in Cork tomorrow having been announced as British Lions captains for the first exhibition match against New Zealand at the weekend.

That fishmonger who welcomed Lizzie a few years back is probably heading out to support Britain too.

An Irish player captaining the British Loins in a match vs New Zealand. Remind me what happened the last fella who did that

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You don’t need to be reminded as the cunt hasn’t shut up since


The soccer fellas who earn in a week what this chump earns in a year must be laughing their holes off at the good of this.