The Anti-Rugby Football Thread

It captured the time and place very well.

Largely pre camera phones and social media I think

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A voice that doesn’t sound like a donnybrook drill would be a starting point for a Commentator. I, for one, won’t miss him.

Is she the next cab off the rank?


Is this the lad who missed the bus on France there a couple of weeks ago?


Dunno Fagan, he does love his rugby and unlike Ryle actually plays a big to be fair to him.

What will he be commentating on, a highlights package?

The ladies rubby matches.


Women’s Rugby football
Under 20s rugby football
November Test matches
AIL rugby football

A real feast of action.

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Is the AIL shown on tv?

The business end.

I’m surprised someone like Eir havent tried to pick it up on the cheap - would surely attract as much audiences as many GAA club games that they are now showing.

Hes got a commentary gig with BT now

Believe it or not he’s (Aherne) taken on a marketing/communications role with Supermacs (cc @iron_mike)

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Thats an ooooffft to Supermacs boy.

Believe it or not I already knew that, and didn’t really think he was going to get the job of Head of Sports for RTE.

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I was driving behind a Land Rover defender there earlier and it had a sticker on it that said Aggressive by Nature Rugby by Choice.

Great to see that rugger is making some serious inroads in the north inner city.

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Ryle took the severance package on offer and is happy with his compensation.

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