Answering it was bad enough, but then he hands the phone over to the PM, and she fuckin stays in the room chatting to yer one on loudspeaker with the woman from Xtra Vision still sitting in front of her hearing the full conversation :lol:
The predicted winner was fired tonight. :lol:
Ah bollocks, was he ??
Probably asking too much to guess it two years in a row mind
For once a team did well. The winning team sold 53 grand of chocolate bars compared to 700 euro for the other team.
Just watched this now. Fucking hell some comedy of errors :lol:
Connor is some tool getting lost in town. Afraid to ask people directions. Ffs he should have gone for that alone.
Sure he’s streetwoise Shan. Bill will never fire a lad who’s streetwoise this early :rolleyes:
He keeps referencing his business. What is it?
He sells Christmas wreaths
The next one to go has to be Brian. Hes some gobshite.
all of them have big titles- ceo ,company director,runs a media company but are tards
That’s like a transition year project
Hes a rebel apparently being kicked out before the leaving. :lol:
FFS Bill will be investing in a market stall
“If I want a pound, I’ll go out and make a pound and make things happen”
How does he do it if it’s summertime?
I could register a company in the morning and call myself a ceo - the whole thing is a farce.
There was a lad from Wexford town on it a few years back who had only ever worked in his family business which was a hotel in Wexford. He did a Masters from Smurfit and saw it fit to call him himself a Freelance Business Consultant & a Sales and Marketing Consultant :lol:
The stupid cunt was standing on College Green and didn’t know how to find Georges Street
So Bill is going to invest in their business idea, whatever it might be? Ah sure he’s hardly going to invest in a fucking christmas tree company is he?
Suzanne is a beautiful little thing and is now showing passion in the board room. An epic woman with an itty bitty culchie accent.
Fuck the property developer flute Eugene.
Just turned over to see a good 3 mins of these no marks arguing in the board room. Cullen, Purcell and the blond one are just sitting back and letting them at it. :lol: