The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

Eight years? Did you join late too? If you factor in a promotion it’s probably a no brainer. Like you said it wouldn’t have cost you much as a CO, but then you probably wouldn’t have had even that small bit spare as a CO anyway so it’s swings and roundabouts. The cost of additional pension contributions but would be a big contribution towards the cost of a house some day, which I think is the bigger benefit in the long run. And I wouldn’t say gunning for but I’d expect to end up there alright. Unless I become massively demotivated/happy with my lot/find another career, and I wouldn’t rule any of them out either.

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yep, i joined late. was too busy earning good money in the private sector but saw the financial shitstorm coming so joined in 2007.

i’d fuck all spare as a CO, as you say, so not a runner. ive mortgages now and we’ve one and a bit incomes so it makes more sense to get rid of the big millstone and we could sell the apartment at retirement age for that nest egg and still have the family home.

from my perspective, i think that AP is the perfect balance of responsibility and remuneration. i just dont think that the money for A/Sec or PO is worth the extra hassle. im also lucky that the role i have is incredibly conducive to gaining the AP1 grade so thats probably as far as ill go with my circumstances and thats fine by me.

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That sounds like a good set up and if you’re happy in your job that’s a great place to be in.

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i got incredibly lucky on where i landed after promotion to HEO and even luckier still that i got to stay there after i got AP as SecGen demands that everyone be transferred to another division on promotion. i’ve basically been put in the position where i have written my own job spec and have a PO and A/Sec that trust me to carry that out. its a unicorn to have that much autonomy in the civil service!


If you just want the cheapest possible go onto one of the insurance aggregator websites and you will see if better available…

Maybe different for civil service pensions don’t know much about them… But for private pensions you’d need to be getting more than 50% return on any other investment to beat maxing out the pension

What about the opportunity cost of the money in the short term? Say I came into a ball of money tomorrow and could put that towards a bigger house or into a pension, to me I’d say the use of it earlier is better, no?

Sounds like a good set up alright and it sounds like you like your current job and are happy to continue it. Good for you art. You timed it nicely avoiding the crash too. You’ll probably walk into PO if you go for it at a later stage, a year or two before you retire would be perfect.

Think You need three years in a grade for it to be reflected in your pension

There you are Art, make sure and time it well.

Reading his post, he’s been in same section for HEO and AP , he won’t be getting PO without a lot of moving around other sections … he’ll ride it out to AP1 which i think is above starting scale of PO anyway ?

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Not a clue. Chance might come up to do his PO’s job maybe. I wouldn’t let Art in charge of my goldfish mind.

good job you dont know what i do. your head would literally explode

yep, ill ride it out at AP1. im not fond of change and i really really like my job so if i get AP1 for doing it and the extra 8k would be a nice bonus

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I presume the extra 8k has you a few points into PO?

2 points OTTOMH

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If you had cash with tax paid already its a different story alright

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tenor (60)

The only reason I ask this is because the likes of Irish life only give joint mortgage protection, if you were to go with another company they would probably give you dual (cover continues if one person dies or two payouts if both were to pass) for even cheaper, I know it’s highly unlikely to happen but your far better off covering both parties for the same/less then leaving it in Irish Life’s pocket. The monopoly they have is crazy it’s just people don’t look into it enough.

You can pay into a private pension as well