The ask Bandage about mortgages thread

Take the money and run

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Use the extra as a deposit on an apartment in Uzbekistan


It’s the new Bulgaria !

What could possibly go wrong?

Takes for the advice gents. No other loans and nothing on credit card. It’s not necessarily that they will giveme more than I need @mikehunt but mortgage approval amount plus savings = more than cost of house, stamp duty, sol8citor, etc. Not much 40k in the difference but I wouldn’t mind holding at least 20k as a buffer. Did a quick online calculator there and mortgage repayment difference in 20k is fuck all anyway so think that’s the way to go. Anyways early days no sale agreed yet just checking options.


If you are building a house, and you disclose savings to the bank as part of your mortgage application, they make you spend the savings first before you can make your first drawdown. Shower of cunts.

I hear Eddie Hobbs has a few places left in Cape Verde

Indeed they do the cunts.

Not true. Not with us anyway.

Are you fucking serious? That’s outrageous. Is that just for a new build?

It’s 100% true with AIB and BOI. What bank had you?


Folks I’ve had an offer accepted for a gaff and the estate agent has emailed today asking for a few things one of which is a “booking deposit” of 10 grand. Never heard of this before, is this a normal thing?

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Yes it is. Absolutely standard. You’ll get it back if you don’t sign a contract. Otherwise it will become part of the 10% contract deposit.


Oh and best of luck.



It count towards the purchase price.

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congrats mate

welcome to Fingal

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Yep. I only had to pay 5k on mine but it was a new build. My parents went sale agreed (thank fuck) a few weeks ago and they’d to get the 8k over in a day. Panic ensued as they’d never done an online transfer in the past, but the auctioneers were fine with a cheque

Congrats by the way @Horsebox


Ya it’s standard and not in anyway legally binding. You can pull out of the sale anytime you want and get it back. It’s a pointless charade really to show you are actually serious

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