The assassination of JFK - conspiracy or lone nut?

That’s what he said himself in testimony to the HSCA, but we all know that he was signalling that the first shot missed and the 8 other shooters needed to start firing.

Was the Warren Commission not headed by Alan Dallas? Who JFK fired…

Not just nutcases in fairness, all humans are subject to the same problem. We are pattern recognition machines, which gave us an evolutionary advantage over other species. Handy for evading a tiger in the savanna, but not so good at critical thinking.

Richard Russell always rejected the lone bullet theory. LBJ as well. But they never had any doubt that Ozwald did it.

Oswald is the shooter ffs, a lefty headbanger gone wrong, Ruby loved his country, he nailed that bastard for what he done, he spared Jackie the pain of having to go to trial and relive the nightmare

and?.. Do you think Dulles was one of the 8 shooters?
He was one of seven on the committee. Do you think they were all part of the conspiracy, along with all the hundreds of others involved in the commission?

Oh certain people knew I’d say. Oawald was a bit of a loony but was a loony who was working for the CIA.

Botched protection
Botched shooting
Botched Autopsy
Botched protection of chief suspect
Botched investigation.

Thats a whole pile of botches chief and a whole load of coincidences and a whole other pile of powerful people in powerful places with motives.

I think the most important question that needs to be answered arsing out of this whole thing is, is deckard a replicant?

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They lost half his brain sure…

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Leading American political figures and indeed intellegience agencies have always showed propensity to manipulate and have proven to be the ultimate puppet masters. Take Watergate scandal and many of the goons implicated were present nearly 10 years previous at Dealey Plaza. Fast forward to more modern times and look at the Iraqi conflict and the supposed weapons of mass destruction. These were all figments of the imagination and smokescreens. The narrative changes from protecting freedoms to ridding the Iraq people of a merciless dictator. in truth Americans fight both sides of nearly every conflict. There is too much money to be made and skin in the game for them not to.

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Yes, but we know humans are good at botching things, and most of the “facts” claimed by conspiracists have innocuous explanations.

To believe what is in the video you posted, you have to believe dozens of poeple were involved, including low ranking police and federal agents. All of whom swear allegiance to protect the individual they agreed to help assassinate, and all of whom never disclosed a single detail of the plot. That’s not how humans operate.

Hard to find when it was vaporized and dispersed.

Definitely experts in their field taking those shots so.

Is it that big a stretch to think that an American government could start a war in Iraq based on erroneous intelligence reports purporting that Iraq had nucleur war heads? This would have needed many more people complicit in this “conspiracy”. The human cost is going to be 10’s of thousands rather than 1 life in Dallas. Is it that big a leap when you think about it. I dont think so.

Only a couple of people need to know the overall conspiracy for it to work. The lower rank and file are just following orders, changing some of their expected actions without knowing the intended consequences of following those orders. The official changing the route the parade takes, the secret service agent taken off duty or whatever the case may be that helps the smooth completion of the task don’t need to be a part of the conspiracy.

(Not saying there was one, just don’t think saying a shitload of people would have to be involved and then never talk about it in the years after, is a good enough reason to dismiss the possibilty it took place)

It’s just another of a fair few coincidences is all I’m saying. The Warren Commission however was full of lies (or lack of information), who were set up to investigate the shooting of their President.

In the aftermath of 9/11 the US could have nuked the entire ME and most people in the US wouldn’t have given a toss. It was a very easy task to convince the American people that retribution was justified and necessary.

I’m not denying that conspiracies can’t and don’t happen, but in the case of the JFK assassination, the evidence supports Oswald as the sole shooter. All evidence claimed for other explanations falls apart under reasoned scrutiny.

Only lads in serious places could have pulled this off and covered it up. Files not accessible for 75 years FFS…

True. The video in question though stretches the imagination to extreme limits.