The Ball-Ox Value Thread?

I all seriousness I ask this question, (with the exception of Bandage) who here thought Ball-Ox was a legend?

IMO looking beond the racism he did have some classic postings, didn’t he:emm: ?

I do. He is a legend.

I’ve a cracking idea. Why don’t you bhoys ask Ball-Ox to set up a forum/bebo page/MySpace page and hey, you can have witty banter with him on there?


He misses YOU Bandage. He wants a reconciliation

I miss the way he would slag me for no reason. At least someone cared enough to do so. :tongue:

He had his reasons shan.

Ball Ox was the only person to tell it staright and got banned for it.

Whats wrong Ben?

nuffin why?

Just checking. Martys disappeared. Friday must have been a bit mental.

He joined the british army.

Flano wrote:

Ball Ox was the only person to tell it staright and got banned for it.

You’re some man for the hypocrisy these days Flango! You PM’d me asking me to implement ways of preventing Ball Ox from ever registering on here again.

Im under his control Rocko. This is all his idea. Im never a hypocrite. Some of you are awful serious on here sometimes