The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Ah hear…leave it out blue…

What was with the names on the jerseys here? Something fugee related?

Ings starts. Scenes.

Van Gaal will have some explaining to do if United don’t win this. Bring on the fucking kid ffs and take that beanpole prick off.

Memphis hooked at half time. Wasn’t the mist shit but any means.

Rumours of a half time bust-up to appear on Twitter in 5, 4, 3, 2…


Great set piece in fairness.

Unbelievably easy from a set piece.

Never a free though. Young jumped on Clyne’s back and fell, Sean Cavanaghesque.

Fanatic save from the BGITW.

Poor effort from Dings in fairness.

Lovern is comical at defending.

Which made the save even better. Who could have envisaged such a shit shot scuffing into the ground and up into the to cornet?

United legend and BGITW DDG could.


Should be ahead, never mind level.

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Football is fucked

The state of that sign to “welcome” Martial to Old Trafford


Some prick colouring it in all day in his bedsitter

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Sidney is a Liverpool fan I think

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Jaysus he smacked that it in, thought he was going to bottle it before hand

Naive defending from the young left back.

Holy Fuck!!! Benteke…