The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

He’s the new Steve Kean.


Totally over the top celebration there by Klopp and the Klopphoppers. Fuckssake, a poxy injury time draw at home against West Brom. Liverpool and Spurs, flattering to deceive for a combined 80 years.

Chat shit. Get Banged.


Ah that’s a lovely goal. Leicester really are a nice team to watch.

He’s only gone & got another one. #vardy

Great finish by Vardy. Come on the tinker man. What happened with hazard? Is he on his period or something?

Good finish. Easy enough really.

What did Haz do?

Vardy is playing unreal to be fair to him, he is effervescent, in perpetual motion and he is the worst type of attacker for a defender to face. His runs are very intelligent too, not just brainless headless chicken stuff.

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Looks like he didn’t fancy it tonight, fell over after a nothing tackle and went off.


I hope Glen Whelan took note of what a windy fucker hazard is and hammers the cunt when we play Belgium in the summer.

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In this era of style over substance, it’s wonderful to see somebody make it the hard way, graduating from non-league football to being the main man in the team that’s top of the league.

Don’t knock the school of hard knocks.


Vardy kicked him, he fell, then went off.

This premiership could be like the 2013 hurling championship

Vardy just did a nasty one on Costa.

And another :smile: #mahrez

Vardy just went up massively in my estimation. First player to have put in a proper nasty challenge on Costa.


And Huth has a cut at the cunt now.

Costa is getting a bit of niggle tonight. Wonder will he blow up eventually?

That was a class finish.