The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

I wouldn’t say it’s that calculated, more so like a lot of millage on leaders like Terry and Ivanovic, and as Harry alluded to players being played out of position, and others then who are out of form.

Remy’s scored, Costa was never going to anyway.

Matic has turned into absolute horseshit.

Damien Duffs mother loved him, and thats good enough for me.

Lovely stuff. That Kante lad is a fucking machine.


How many years is it now since the great Claudio was wrongly sacked by Chelsea?

Claudio is such a gentleman, you’d have to be thrilled for him.

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A lovely lovely man. It cant last.

Arsenal against Man City next Monday night.

Excellent game to kick off xmas week.

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Chelsea reduced to hoofing it upfield. Meat and drink to Robert Huth and Ben Morgan.

Leicester really rode their luck to stop Chelsea scoring for so long when it was 2-0. I was certain the equaliser would then come when they got it back to 2-1 but Leicester saw it out reasonably comfortably.

Outstanding stuff.

Found it a very boring game for the majority of it. Not much quality or entertainment

Yeah, Mahrez’s goal was shit.


Mahrez was outstanding throughout as he generally he is but outside of that there wasn’t much quality on show and large parts of it were boring with Chelsea just passing the ball over an back with no guile or creativity from them. Kante in midfield for Leicester is a very good player as well

I could have sworn Chelsea had about four gilt-edged chances when it was 2-0, but what do I know.

I didn’t say they didn’t have chances

Creating chances implies they must have had some creativity, though.

The chances they had didn’t really come down to a killer pass or any great quality

I can see this turning into a fascinating argument before my eyes.

All we need now is nembo

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