The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Fuck sake

About fucking time Arsenal caught a break.

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Two disgusting decisions there in favour of one of the elite coterie of super franchises. The non awarding of the penalty and the sending off.

This is what the likes of Leicester and Spurs who are outside of that cosy cartel are up against in trying to make a breakthrough.

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Arsenal fans behaving like Mayo supporters here, trying to pressurise the referee into giving them unjust decisions.

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Foolish to have a tug when on a yellow. Can have little complaint surely.

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Leicester are wavering here, but do Arsenal have the balls to land one, if not two punches?

And then expecting people to support because they are gigantic bottles.

Fairly sure they dont expect people to support them for that reason.

I can’t wait to hear Wenger post match if they don’t get something out of this game.

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He’d do well to just congratulate Leicester and hope to fuck they keep Spurs away from the title.

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Anything less than a win is another failure for the Specialist in Failure.

Ozil very poor so far.

Arsenal are truly woeful from set pieces

Fucking hell, things really are bad at Arsenal when you have Spurs fans having cuts off them for lack of success.


Well bollocks.

They’ve been abject yet again in what’s a crunch game over the first 70 minutes. With the numerical advantage though, you’d still expect them to win it from here. Should do now with that equaliser.

Get in… :facepunch:

By his standards yes, still created the best two chances they’ve had

Theo steps up.

Leicester were there for the taking sadly, and fair play to Arsenal for doing it. Now, can they finish the job?