The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Danny Welbeck, now is your time.

How do those black lads afford tickets to the Emirates?

Wonder who the neutrals want to win this one. The plucky underdogs with their first chance at the title in ages? Or Leicester?

What a 10 minutes in store in the race for the final Barclays Premier League™ title

As long as its not Spurs, I’m easy.


They’re not playing, so you’ve nothing to worry about.

To be honest its usually a safe bet anyway.

It was very deliberate says Alan Smith about the header. Sure what else could it be?

Since 1961, no flies on you pal.

Bottle job from the German there.

True that.

Kasper :clap:

Inconceivable to think Arsenal are going to let Leicester off the hook here.

What a save. Kasper to fill his old man’s boots at OT when de Gea fucks off to Mardid.

I’ve seen this dozens of times from Arsenal over the years. They can never get the win when they have to. I’d like to see a statistic over the last 10 years on how many winners they’ve gotten from 80 mins on. Fuck all is my guess.

That was a truly brilliant save.

Kasper already filled his old mans boots at Manchester once, no reason why he cant do it again at the other club.

Someone find how many shots on goal Ramsey has had now. And how many actually hit the target.

What was Giroud appealing for after the save? It’s like it’s second nature to them just to appeal to the ref no matter what happens.

That’s a superb header from Huth

Be fair funny if Leicester caught them now all the same.

This is the chance now. Silly challenge. On such things are titles decided…