The Barclays Premier League 2015/16™

The ref must owe him rent.

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Either that or hes slippin the ex 1

Have only been watching the last 15 minutes or so but the young lad Gomes looks a good 'un

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That Tomlin sub for Bournemouth is fatter than Andy Reid.

He has slimmed down used to be far beefier

Eunan O’Kane has played really well.

Liverpool didn’t create much.

How did it finish?

6 points from 6 and that’s all that matters.


A slice of luck that we don’t normally get. This is our year, I can smells it

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What was the performance like? Big run of games coming up.



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Defence looks bit more robust, more shape

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Darren Gibson is not having a good time of it.

Not all that bad, he did bit a cyclist

Great win for the Cherries away to West Ham today.


All Saturday’s goals:

All Sunday’s goals:


Should have been a goal for arsenal, no way was it offside. Some let off.

Two excellent defences here

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