The Bear 🐐

Manager of the local costa was telling me hes inundated with lads looking for a job drying forks. Not washing them mund you. Just drying.

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Not to be messed with

Oliver Platt acts the oxters of himself in this thing.
“You wanna be the man? Be the fuckin man”

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I love Oliver Platt, a real 33 percenter. He was excellent in The West Wing. The build up and pay off of this scene is genius.


Midnight Sting is his opus

Just watched season one of this. It’s fantastic. The music is excellent too.

Aw man, wait tim you hit the 3 episode arc in season two. You’re in for a treat

Richie in the upmarket restaurant is some episode.


every second counts.

I’m onto season two. I love it but I find it tough going. After a day of the kids screaming the house down an episode where the fire alarm is going off is hard work :joy:

I also saw a great comment somewhere. Ye are making sandwiches. Will ye fucking relax a bit.

It’s a stressful watch. But it is a piece of art in fairness to it


Hold tight. Season 2 is where the uplift begins. Well, for some of it. It’s magnificent. And it ain’t all sandwiches.

You have to watch it at least four times before you have the slightest appreciation of the sheer magnitude of what’sgoingon. Then we can talk

I’m in. I feel as stressed as the kitchen staff but I’m in. Some going to suck you in

Get ready to fall in love with TayTay all over again

Wise woman

She’s a great bit of stuff. She hosted SNL recently, which proved awkward given the musical guest, and her history towards said guest.

It was well handled in the skit