The Black Caviar Thread

A hotel in Paris apparently. What it has got to do with you i donā€™t know?

Whats a clonattin?

A very tempting House price.

A typo

[quote=ā€œMac, post: 759696, member: 109ā€]No














Mac is in meltdownā€¦

Seems I had a drink or two last night

Never apologise mac. Booze was helping you find new ways to take the fight to the simpletons.

Itā€™s a tricky one. If we ban Mac then the whole forum rejoices for a few days but it creates a power vacuum and surely Faldo just fills that. So ban them both seems the best option but then you have Fooley running wild and heā€™s pretty much unbannable because heā€™d just kill us in the courts if we banned him without due cause and process. Iā€™ll think on it though.

Mac, Faldo, power vaccuum? Eh, no Rocko.

Are these constant double bluffs, Fitzy?

Iā€™m begining to think heā€™s a bit slowā€¦

These repeated instances of taking posts laced with sarcasm literally are a concern alright.

Fitzy, you thick cunt.

Christ, I would like to apologise to the forum for my non recognition of irony. Rocko is such a humourless dull cunt, its difficult at times to perceive when heā€™s trying to be funny. On the major point however, yes we should ban Mac.

Hopefully youā€™ll learn from this, Fitzy. Because it was frankly ridiculous when you replied to my ā€œDebates Iā€™d like to see on TFK in 2013ā€ thread a few months ago to call me a fool and to say we already had the debates about John Delaney, the GGA etc before.

Seems I may have had a drink or two at the time Bandageā€¦

Go way and have another fewā€¦

And stay gone :wink:

So speaketh the hardest cunt on the internetā€¦

Alright Faldo, how are you old pal?

Black Caviar is to be retired, having won her 25th race :frowning: Her like will never be seen again.