The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Only kidding mate, apologies. Keep up the good work :+1:

Enda McEvoy was a good spot, seeing as he’s so small.

Not a spot

The sword has swung

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Vincent Kompany
Cafe Nero alderley edge at 0830 this morning. Vincent was queueing as unobtrusively as Vincent kompany could, wearing shorts, flip flops, and a black leather cap, and looking thin in the face to the point of scrotey.
He was with an archetypal wag, very pretty, identikit cap, well made up, who seemed polite and chatty, whilst Vincent stood there looking understandably like a lad who’s in a nomark coffee shop in alderley edge at half eight on a wet Wednesday morning, when he could be in a villa in the sun.


Outstanding :clap:

The sword will swing in your favour here I suspect.

Top notch, spot awarded.


you see, this is what happens when you “upscale” from greggs and maccie Ds

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Proper spot that

Anderlecht are back in pre-season training this week.

Are you sure this was Kompany or did you do a John Motson on it, @flattythehurdler?


This is as embarrassing as the time some no mark saw Luke Fitzgerald in Dundrum at the same time as he was playing a game in France

Nope, defo him. Actually, defo a well known footballer, let me google check.

Oh no… :man_facepalming:t2:

I’m afraid to Google “black footballer”

Haven’t you got a VPN? :grimacing:

This is Kompany and his wife if it helps

This is a shambles

No, it was them. I’m a sure as I can be. I note he’s after two citeh players.

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Not a shambles. It was them. I’m outraged at the slur on my good character

I believe you and apologies if I inadvertently cast any aspersions on your character. It’s eminently possible he’s back in Manchester to try to sign players and/or to tie up personal loose ends.

You had me doubting him, but when I saw the picture of his partner/wife it reconfirmed I’m as sure as I can be. She is tiny BTW.

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