The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

@Fagan_ODowd either needs a secretary for dealing with some of the spam on this thread, or needs to start issuing infractions

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Who: Tom Cruise
Famous for: Some of the worst scutter committed to film, e.g. Far and Away, Days of Thunder, Vanilla Sky
Where: Rochdale Road
Circumstances: He was riding Cameron Diaz


Even an altercation with ā€œthat toothy cunt Bishopā€ wouldnā€™t cut it at this remove.

Iā€™d be happy to help out. Iā€™ve never really held any sort of position of responsibility but I think I might be ready. I donā€™t watch much TV, know eff all about sport, havenā€™t a clue about 97.4% ofnthe celebrities mentioned etcā€¦so Iā€™d be totally objective etc in the awarding of spots and so onā€¦
So i accept the position. Thanks.

Jaysus how long were ye talking ! An hour ?

Youā€™ve been blackguarded here.
It was a great story, and very well told.
The only thing missing was a celebrity.


It has been downhill for 4 years now, ever since you dropped in on John Hanbury

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Just to mark your card pal. You were given a very marginal call as a spot back in May 2021 which certain posters used to undermine my credibility. Youā€™ve since posted up dross - a Man U project player, an unheard of football agent and a fella from a sport so few people watch its in danger of extinction. So donā€™t give me the Iā€™m hard done by routine.


@Fagan_ODowd is gone a bit Davy Fitz hereā€¦


Thought it wasnā€™t going ahead? With no NZ, South Pacific or Australia teams, hardly a world cup

He was probably invading his personal space as well. Telling him about all the hurleys he has inside his front door.

Heā€™s definitely getting into explaining territory

By God.
Are you OK @flattythehurdler ?

Give or take, yes. He was waiting for his wife and my mate was pottering about. The shop was closed by then so we chatted away undisturbed. Iā€™d have talked to him all night. Heā€™s very keen on promoting Irish rugby league, and would prefer they brought through young Irish lads for the side than go the Tony cascarino route. He says the Irish lads that go over to the UK are really really good. Naturally skilled, and naturally strong.

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Which marginal spot was this? I canā€™t remember.
I also failed with a cricketer.

It isnā€™t, itā€™s postponed til next year, if you read my post it explains it.

I had a very nice email from Mrs Hanbury there last week making sure we were to call in when weā€™re home.
I think John may be in Holland working these days, but my lass is only interested in the dog anyway.

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When are you coming home for good? Imagine the spots youā€™d gather up over here.

The planning application, which should have gone in two months ago, is hopefully going in next week.
Even the drainage holes which Iā€™d been promised were dug it transpires werenā€™t when the engineer went up.
Itā€™s highly frustrating.

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Is herself onboard now?