The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Your source :joy:
“breaking news” :joy:

The Irish Examiner quoting a paper by PWC and the World Bank?

So you agree that the government isn’t enforcing tax properly on the rich? Thanks.

You wouldn’t have been much in the field with that surrendering attitude.

I’m on about the super wealthy.

You are one of the few who think MNCs pay their fair share of tax. They don’t. They come to Ireland, a known tax haven to avoid paying tax.

You’re wasting your time.

What do you mean by “fair share”, the article you cited concluded that the top 100 companies paid on average 12.4% effective tax, almost exactly the same as the 12.5% nominal rate. Some pay more, some pay less, for a variety of reasons that the author of the piece no more than yourself clearly has no comprehension of, otherwise they wouldn’t refer to double taxation relief as a “loophole”. If you pay tax on your profits in one jurisdiction, why would it make sense to pay tax again on the same profits in other jurisdictions? R&D credits are to encourage technology companies to invest in new product development, the US has it along with I would imagine every EU country.

Multinationals represent 20% of total wages in Ireland or roughly 15 billion, and 80% of the overall corporate tax bill. Multinationals come to Ireland for a variety of reasons, the competitive tax rate is obviously one of them. They also come to Ireland because of the availability of a well educated workforce, sensible labor laws, a business friendly environment, etc. The IDA have done a tremendous job attracting MNCs to Ireland and should be commended, one of the few government departments actually worth their cost.

Would you prefer if all the MNCs left, taking their 15 billion Euro in wages elsewhere? Economically illiterate idiots like the SF clown quoted in the article would certainly hasten their departure.


So now you want to drive MNCs out of Ireland along with Jews. Anyone else on your radar?

Pwc :joy:

He has you here Choco in fairness.

Yeah - By putting e-words in my mouth he has done me up like a kipper.

How’s this going to work out?

MNCs run rings around tax legislators except in havens like Ireland where they actually help shape the legislation. Luckily the EU have called it out for the tax evasion it was and Ireland have to comply.

You seem to think that Multinationals came here for the nice weather and the pleasure of our spud munching company. Low tax is our only selling point. We’d be a while replacing the 200k jobs with petting farms and walking tour guides.


What is their fair share?

I’ve shown stats showing that they pay a higher proportion of tax in Ireland as a % of government income than our OECD peers.

The article you googled and posted without reading (“tax haven!”) actually has a report there saying that they pay a disproportionate amount in Ireland.

You are trying to have it both ways, muddling your lack of knowledge on global corporation tax with your desire for free money from Apple.

Where is your evidence that they “shape” legislation ffs?

Ireland are currently engaged in the OECD BEPS reforms.

Of course they do if they siphon all profits through Ireland.

PWC globally yes, and the World Bank.

Here is their 2018 report.

What do you think it is, a grand conspiracy in favour of Ireland by these global bodies? Is it like the Zionist conspiracy, a “leprechaun” one to borrow the phrase from that eejit Krugman?

You have a company don’t you Flatty? Ever had a look at your Corporation tax comp?

Lolz. Why else would that kind of legislation be introduced. Ireland broke EU rules by doing so.