The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

It wouldnā€™t be tolerated in Cork.

Disgusting. He was probably too busy harassing a dying woman through the courts at the time to care about some kid being abused by foster carers.

Noonan is disgusting piece of work.


He should be arrested.

Q2: Three reasons why this issue is important:

A beautiful young woman, whose disabilities rendered her unable to verbally communicate and whose mental age remained at 12 months old, was exposed to possible daily rape and other forms of torture for an additional 9 years as a result of the Noonan intervention.

The parents/guardians of 47 other persons with disabilities who had been sent to this Kilkenny residence were never informed of the disclosures of rape and torture. Respect for the rule of law and confidence in the institutions of the State are in unequivocal jeopardy.

Q3: What actually happened?

A case conference in May 1996 on ā€˜Graceā€™ determined that she be removed from her foster-carers. This decision could not be implimented immediately as there were no placements available for persons with a disability. When arrangements were made, the foster-carers were informed in September and given the standard three days to deliver up the child.

The foster-carers appealed this decision, as was their entitlement under the 1995 Foster-Care Regulations. The oral appeal was held before Ms Marie Kennedy and Dr Marie Ryan, and the decision to remove Grace was upheld.

By letter dated 29 August, 1996 (see copy exhibited in a report by the political editor of The Irish Examiner, Daniel McConnell), the foster-carers appealed directly to Minister Noonan.

Minister Noonan acted on this letter, notwithstanding that the whole area was governed by statute, and including the new Foster-Care Regulations.

Minister Noonan passed the matter on to his junior ministerial colleague, Minister Austin Curry (as again happened in the ā€˜Monagearā€™ case a few months later).

Minister Curry passed it on to an official of the Department of Health (DoH). The DoH official passed it on to the SEHB.

The SEHB operated under a hierarchical structure. At the top was the CEO, John Cooney, who was assisted by programme managers in the areas of general hospitals, special hospitals (ie psychiatric and geriatric hospitals) and community care (covers foster-care).

The Programme Manager for Community Care in the SEHB, Martin Hynes, responded to the DoH official by stating that this was possibly the first decision taken under the provisions of the Foster-Care Regulations, and the decision stood.

Noonan has a lot of questions to answer.

absolutely disgusting

#There is a dispute as to why that decision was made and there is nothing to suggest that Minister Noonan played any role in the decision.

#There is no evidence that he intervened on behalf of the foster parents.

Did you not read the posts above? There is plenty of evidence Noonan personally intervened and that it resulted in Grace being abused for years more.

But this is type of ignorant shite Iā€™d expect from you. You still probably believe the Project Eagle sale was a great deal for the taxpayer.

But itā€™s one thing believing the economic propaganda the FG press office churn out. Itā€™s another thing trying to leap to the defence of a FG minister who is mired in a sickening abuse scandal like this. Youā€™re a sick bastard.

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Thatā€™s from the article quoted pal.

Fire up your evidence if there is plenty of it.

Your first paragraph is the sort of shoot from the hip posting that results in High Court proceedings.

Is there no end to this manā€™s depravity?

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Not much love for the deviant fucker in those tweets.

Who is the lovely lady?

Yikes, very poor judgement there.

Ah, would you ever stop.
Wife to man on the far right of photo.

Nothing written down eh? Surprise.

Has she a name?

Yep her name is wife of man on far right of the photo. Bit of a mouthful. :slight_smile:


Sheā€™s wrecked ā€¦ She has a head like like a melted rusher.

How big is the door if the key is that big?

Is it a hospital for Giants ?


Shouldnā€™t it be the Minister for Health opening hospitals? Fingers crossed heā€™s just queuing for a non existent bed.