The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Won’t we need a giant to push the train?

And that crooked cunt Noonan in the middle of it. Destroying meeting minutes, meeting bidders. No end to the mans corruption.

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Remember @TheUlteriorMotive told us it was a great deal “post Brexit” :joy:


I’d say there will be a nice place on the board for Noonan, with a nice a little wedge to go with it.

What are the properties worth now.

PAC is made up of parish pump politicians and not statesmen like the Kaiser

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Thete are FG tds in PAC. You can be sure they watered it down. C&AG have also questioned NAMA. FDI and UK fraud squad investigated the deal too. Noonan under investigation in 3 separate enquiries.

It’s a farce pal.

The PAC are gas fuckers. Same with that banking enquiry. I remember a couple of Big 4 partners making shit of them when they were questioning the banking audits from before the crisis. You had the head of PWC just reading out of a student textbook telling the TDs what an audit actually is.

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did PWC say Anglo Oirish had no going concern issues?

I don’t think they were their auditors mate.

fair enough

Easy for auditors to make shit of anyone when they are not held accountable for their fuck-acting. They sign off on accounts, take the fee and when it turns out the accounts do not actually show a true and fair view they get away scot free. Another auditor is appointed to investigate where it all went wrong and another is appointed as a new auditor and the revolving door of auditors continue.

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Yeah and what’s the problem with that?

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I’m talking about the competence of these people on these committees.

They had no clue as to what an auditor should actually do so the Big 4 lads had free reign to just regurgitate the textbook.

Everyone makes a mistake or two, afterall.

I suppose if you’re incapable of a simple task like providing the correct envelope for best picture at the Oscars, what chance have they of uncovering fraud.


True but it’s not just the PAC that have reservations about what went on here. Only ones NAMA are accountable to are the C&AG and when they asked questions NAMA tried to fob them off by accusing them of not having the expertise necessary to monitor what went on.


CĂșntasoirs the lot of them.

A committee backboned by FF and FG TDs to investiage white collar crime involving Government ministers?
