The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

I think you may have posted that racist tweet a few times already but thanks for sharing again.

Your fear of foreigners is irrational. If you are to be the victim of a crime the likelihood is it’ll be an Irish person who carries it out. Now, if a wrong un from a different country steals your handbag then they will receive a heftier sentence than their Irish counterpart.

If your problem is with govt policy on asylum seekers, immigrants, deportation etc then the ballot box is where you can have your say. Thankfully most people have a bit more tolerance than your good self.

So your problem is with the deportation system itself. Much like I suggested to your slow witted friend, the ballot box is where you can have your say. I’m sure Conor McGregor can rely on your vote were he to stand.

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Will you ever fuck off and do some work.Youre after making a holy show of yourself on here with your wet wipe lefty horse shit.

Between the hurling, clenched fists and dragging them along the ground your knuckles must be in an awful state.

It’s sad how brainwashed you are.

I cant make head nor tail of what hes raving about.Hes firing out insults since 10 this morning “Far Right” this and “Knuckle Dragger” that.I wouldnt like to see him with anything on board is all I will say on the matter.A right article.
The hoor must be like that @Cheasty dude.Going around in a dressing gown all day with cornflakes dripping down his chin and pulling the stomach out of himself watching Home and Away.
If theres work in the bed,those FAR LEFT lads would sleep on the floor.
I say that Flattys fellas post and the many likes it got possibly triggered him or something.

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Cokechullain going after my old mate Kevin Cunningham on Twitter. He must political polls.

McGregor has deleted all his abusive replies to Kieran Cunningham. :rofl:

What a pussy :rofl:

It was actually the gig fir Gaza

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McGregor Mrs is in labour and he flat out calling Kieran Cunningham a turtle neck cunt on twitter.

The new Ireland is a crock of shit.

Bring back dela, Bertie ahern etc.

All is forgiven.

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Bring back McDowell as Minister for Justice, we were a proper country when he was the boss


Kieran Cunningham has changed his name to Kevin Turtlehead. Quite funny to be fair.

You’d miss Mary Harney’s understated influence in the political spectrum.

Seamus Brennan was the sort of fella you could have gone for a convivial pint with.

Was the Bertie bowl going to be instead of the Aviva or where they doing both?

Coinage has spoken


Nothing displays a man’s security in his own skin more than his entire sense of himself depending on wearing a Hugo Boss suit.

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Congrats conor on the new arrival

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